September 3, 2009 "Day one of vacation, fire station"

Today we took the kids to the fire station and learned all about the fire engines and trucks and ambulance. Despite the looks on the kids faces, they really did enjoy it.
Keegan's Thomas Big Loader track
Keira rides big brother's Cars cycle
The kids got fire fighter hats because they were so good

Keira driving the ambulance
Keegan and Keira on the fire "truck" - the one with the hook and ladder
Reserve fire engine, fire truck and fire engine
Fire truck
Keegan with sme BIG boots to fill
Keegan sitting on the fire "engine" - the one that carries the water

Keegan doesn't really want to drive the ambulance
Keegan and Keira on the stretcher in the ambulance
Keegan and Auntie Chelle at the fire station