September 27, 2010 "Just practicing my letters"

Keegan decided to practice writing his letters...with a crayon...on his bedroom walls. Gotta love him.

September 22, 2010 "Just Chillin'"

Such a boy!
What Keegan does...Keira must do

September 21, 2010 "Clowning Around"

They don't mind getting their hair wet anymore
The swimming suit that Keira is wearing is a size 12 months! I got it for 4 bucks at Toys-R-Us.

September 15, 2010 "It's going to be a REALLY long day!"

If you've ever wondered what cats do at 3:oo in the morning, this is pretty much it. I've been having trouble falling asleep lately, so I've been taking Benedryl before bed to help fall asleep. And it works, except that it makes me have crazy dreams all night long (including one with a lot of snakes in it...yikes). So then I'm tired all day and end up napping while the kids nap. But this then makes me not sleepy at night so I have to take the Benedryl. You can see the vicious cycle I'm stuck in. So tonight, I didn't take the Benedryl and couldn't fall alseep. Plus I had a nasty headache. So I came downstairs at 11:30pm to watch some TV and put a heating pad on my neck. Well, despite 3 Motrin, the headache would not go away, so I decided to resort to Excedrin, which I knew would work but also has caffeine in it, therefore, it is now 5:34am and I have not yet been to bed. Kev will be up in about 20 minutes, so I guess we can have breakfast together. Although I was hungry about a half hour ago so I had a salad, is that weird? Can you tell I haven't slept? Today will be a very interesting day. The kids have swimming lessons this morning and the cleaning lady is coming this morning, so we'll have to be out of the house till at least 1:00pm. And I'm going to have to try and avoid wanting to nap or I'll be right back here tomorrow night...or tonight actually. Have a great day!
Juice, Tag and Ebony following me around the house as I clean from room to room
Tag helping me upload pictures to the website and facebook
2:30am...Tag sleeping next to me on the couch

September 14, 2010 "Popsicles and Ponytails"

MMMM popsicles

Keira showing off her watermelon swimming suit that I got at Toys-R-Us for $2
Keira's ponytails are getting longer everyday
She's actually sitting in the bathroom sink in this picture, silly girl

September 13, 2010 "Outdoor fun"

Well, it's still quite hot here in FLA, so the kids have been doing a lot of swimming, going through the "car wash" (aka sprinkler) and drawing on the sidewalk. Both kids have finally learned how to ride the tricycle, although don't ride it as often as I thought they would. Here's looking forward to some cooler weather soon.
Keegan can write the letters, I,T, i, p, d and O.
I'm not sure why Keira is in focus and Keegan isn't


September 10, 2010 "Keegan masters the float and Keira moves on to swimming"

The kids are doing great with their swim lessons, despite how awful they sound screaming throughout. They are half way through week 4. Keira has actually passed the rollover and float portion and has moved onto to learning the swim portion. Once she masters that she will move onto putting both together and perform the swim-float-swim. She's doing awesome with the swimming, she likes being dunked under the water better than she like the floating which is weird. Keegan has mastered his float and has moved on to working on rolling over from face down into his float. He's taking a little longer than Keira, he's less confident in the water, but is still doing really great. I could not have imagined they would be this far 4 weeks ago. Their instructor is really amazing. I wish we'd done this sooner. The first video at the bottom is Keegan floating and the second video is of Keira simulating a fall backward into the pool and rotating herself under water then assuming the float position, pretty cool.
Keira working on opening her eyes under the water (necessary to be able to find the wall or steps of the pool after she falls in)

Keegan floats all by himself!

September 3, 2010 "Keira Floats"

I wish she had done as well as she did yesterday, but I can only video tape on Friday's. Anyway, she did pretty good. Just ignore the screaming.

September 3, 2010 "Keegan Floats"

This is a video of Keegan floating today at swim lessons. Just ignore the fussing, he was in a mood today and just didn't want to be in the water. He was perfectly fine throughout the lesson.

September 2, 2010 "While Daddy's Away..."

While Daddy's away on business, Mommy doesn't really cook. Lets face it, the kids eat like I do. We could survive on cold cereal for breakfast, lunch and dinner. So yesterday for dinner we went down to the beach and had Bizzarro's pizza. Tonight the kids had cheeseburgers, fries and a caramel sundae from Burger King...and I had chinese...yum. The pictures are of the kids eating their ice cream. As a side note, Keira floated by herself for 5 minutes. It was awesome. Tomorrow I'm allowed to film the kids so that should be neat for you all to see.