June 15, 2010 "Big Boy and Big Girl Rooms"

We recently decided to put some toys in each of the kid's rooms, because there are times during the day when they need some...alone time. In other words, time away from each other so they don't kill each other. They seem to both like their new rooms and it keeps the peace.
Keegan on his frog throne
Keira putting her babies to bed
Keegan and Woody
Keegan's big boy bed
Keira's room

June 10, 2010 "Cabbage Patch Kids and Ponytails"

Keira finally has enough hair for tiny ponytails
Keegan and Keira taking "my" Cabbage Patch Kids for a walk
I dug out the kid's preemie clothes and they fit on the Cabbage Patch Kids

My little monkey on the kitchen table
The kids got sleeping bag airbeds to sleep on when they stay at Nanny and Pappy's

May 22, 2010 "Grammy and Granddad visit the beach"

May 20, 2010 "Kevin's Engineering Awards Banquet"

May 17, 2010 "Mommy's Birthday"

Cherry Cheesecake...yum


May 2010 "2 big kids in a baby bed"

May 2010 "Crafts and a Big Mack"

Keegan making a macaroni glitter craft

A Mack truck we saw at Target, the kids were smaller than the wheels

May 2010 "Swim and slide"

May 12,2010 "Tea Party"

The kids love playing tea party. It's the one thing they enjoy doing together.

May 9, 2010 "Mother's Day Gift"

For this Mother's Day, I got a beautiful, custom made necklace. One ring is diamonds, Keegan's birthstone. The other is pearls for Keira. They are held together by a ring of diamonds, the stone for April, the month Kev and I were married.

May 7, 2010 "An afternoon at the beach"