April 14, 2009 "Our baby turns 2"

Two years ago today, Kevin looked at me with a peculiar face, and said..."I think it's a boy?" The little girl we had prepared for, thanks to some ultrasound tech, was indeed a boy. Keegan Scott is what we named him, and he has been the light of our lives for 2 years. He has brought us joy and contentment and has taught us patience. He has developed into a handsome and loving little boy. Enjoy a look back at 2 years ago, when he was born.
April 16, 2007 we brought him home to his pink room, the name "Keira" still hanging on the wall behind him. It only took us 6 weeks to repaint it blue.
Mommy and Keegan just hours after birth.
Keegan sleeping on the blue bili-light in the kitchen.
He still looks like this when he sleeps.
Keegan in his puppy preemie outfit that daddy bought him.