October 31, 2008 "Two little pumpkins"

Happy Halloween! Today the kids both had their well checks at the pediatrician's. Keira weighs 14 pounds 5 ounces and is 24.5 inches long. Keegan weighs 24 pounds 4 ounces and is 32.5 inches tall. They are both doing very well despite getting shots.

They had an exciting evening of trick-or-treating at the mall. Keegan was more interested in running around and watching the other kids, but he did go through the motions and received a few treats in his bag. Keira on the other hand, could've done without her costume. She complained about being hot and felt a little clausterphobic. But she looked so cute. It's kind of ironic, all the grandkids were pumpkins this year. Even 1000 miles apart they had something in common.

October 29, 2008 "A good and bad day"

Today was a good and bad day. We went shopping this morning and then had lunch at Panara Bread. Keegan sat quietly in his highchair and ate a bagel and drank his milk. He waited patiently while his sister ate her bottle. Lots of older women commented on what perfectly behaved children I had. To reward Keegan I took him to the park and he played on the swings and slide. Then we got home. Keegan decided a nap was overrated and that he didn't really need one. And at about 4:30pm the bad part of the day began. He threw a major fit, why I still don't know. He got a new Handy Manny book from grandma and granddad for Halloween, which he loved until the fit began. He also enjoyed Keira's new cat book, which has a button that meows. Once daddy got home, all was well.

October 28, 2008 "Our first cool day"

Today was our first seasonal day. It was in the upper 60's today and 40's last night. It was funny to see Keegan's face when we stepped outside and the cold wind blew his hair. I'll just say he didn't enjoy it.

October 27, 2008 "The Weekly Rewind"

Yesterday, I forgot to do the weekly rewind. I guess I was just so tired from the weekend that I forgot. So here it is:

1. The Halloween party was a success, everyone looked great and had a good time
2. Keegan and mom are feeling better and have recovered from their colds
3. We bought a new vehicle

1. Mom had a few really late nights setting up and cleaning up the Halloween party decorations
2. Keegan spent a lot of time in the no no chair because of throwing food and tantrums
3. Keira's head appears to be flattening like Keegan's despite our efforts to keep her off her back

October 26, 2008 "Keira turns 4 months old"

The Halloween party was really fun. It was much smaller than previous years, less than half, so it was much quieter. Which was good with the kids upstairs sleeping, but we missed seeing a lot of our friends. It was a late night, too. Kevin and I stayed up to clean up as much as we could. We didn't get to bed until about 3:00 am. But we all took a 2 hour nap this afternoon, which was great.

Keira turns 4 months old today. Our baby girl is growing up so fast. She's our little princess.

October 25, 2008 "Halloween Decorations"

October 25, 2008 "Halloween Decorations"

October 25, 2008 "5th Annual Halloween Party"

Halloween Theme: Saturday Night Live characters:
Kara: Mary Kathrine Gallagher "Superstar"
Tim: Justin Timberlake's D--- in a box
Robbie: Mr. Bill
Maria: Sarah Palin
Seth: Phillip
Randall: Hans
Tam: Franz
Jen: Prymaat Conehead
Kevin: Beldar Conehead

October 24, 2008 "Just Cheeky"

Nothing bothers this kid. I wonder if he feels a draft?

"She does dishes too!"

October 23, 2008 "Mommies little helper"

Who wouldn't want this little helper in the kitchen?

October 23, 2008 "The longest day"

I must apologize for missing yesterday. We've all heard the saying "there aren't enough hours in a day", well that's what my day was like on Tuesday. It started as usual, around 7:30 am. While the kids took their afternoon nap, I began the daunting task of decorating the house for the Halloween party. This year I've made some logistical changes, added some things, subtracted some things, but overall, this year will be bigger, better and more spectacular. Of course this is hard to achieve when you have 2 little ones to run around after. So after a long day of laundry, dinner, clean up and baths, I put the kids to bed and began decorating. I finally went upstairs at 2:15am. My fingers are sore from using over 100 straight pins and sustained a hot glue gun burn on my ring finger. So needless to say, yesterday, I was exhausted. We spent most of the day on the road, going from store to store looking for last minute Halloween necessities. And I must say that this year I am quite dissapointed with the Halloween decoration selection. Good thing I stocked up last year. November 1st is spent scouring Melbourne for 50% Halloween goods. And to make matters worse, I've been feeling sick the last few days. I think it's just a lack of sleep, sleeping with the windows open, and the stress of the party. I can live with a runny nose and scratchy throat. So I took some medicine last night and went to bed at 7:30 pm. I feel much better today. But I do regret not blogging yesterday. Stay posted and look forward to Sunday, when the Halloween pictures go up. The picture of Ebony gives you just a taste of the decorations.

October 21, 2008 "Old Friends"

Today was a busy day. We went to Wal-Mart to pick up some things for the Halloween party, but were sadly unsuccessful. We then went to the mall so Keegan could burn off some energy. He had a total meltdown at the play center when I took a bottle of water away from him. I have no idea whose it was or where he found it, but he was mad when I took it from him. I ran into some old friends that I used to work with at SeaPines. They had their babies with them. It was nice seeing them.

October 20, 2008 "Brother and Sister"

Isn't she just the cutest when she smiles?

Keegan loves his little sister, but is more interested in watching Handy Manny.

October 19, 2008 "The weekly rewind"

It has been brought to my attention by several loyal Marbella Manor website viewers that I do not "blog" in the style of the previous blogger. I prefer the paragraph style versus "bullet" style. However, once a week, to apease the masses, I will blog the "weekly rewind" in bullet form. So here it is:

* We made it up to Ali and Yami's to see new baby, Chase
* Keegan climbed up the steps and slid down the sliding board all by himself
* Keira slept through one whole night without her swaddle wrap

* Keegan had a fever, runny nose and cough for most of the week
* Our Halloween party is less than a week away and we have done nothing to prepare
* Keegan bit mommy on the shoulder, while throwing a fit in the Hallmark store