Week of February 25, 2008


1. B2's ultra sound went extremly well. Everything was in tip top shape. We've decided not to find out the sex - so that was our one chance. Jen had an OB appt on Friday - which went well too.

2. Keegan is just a crawling machine. It is actually really tiring because he's not as interested in his toys - he wants to explore. I have to baby sit on Saturday - so hopefully that will go okay.

3. We had a very nice Saturday. The weather was great so we decided to goto the Strawberry festival at Wickam Park. It was fun. After that we went to the Avenues - Keegan got to feel grass between his toes in the little fountain area - he liked that. We finished the evening off with going to dinner and came home and watched a movie.


1. The HOA denied our request to paint our home Apple Sauce. I'm trying to figure out our next move.

2. I had to work a couple days this weekend. It was the first weekend that I've worked in quite some time. I missed hanging out with Keegan and Jen.

3. It was a little cool this week. That kept Jen and Keegan inside a little more than they would have liked.