Week of November 12, 2007

1. My boss was out of town. He is pretty laid back anyways but it is still nice to have that little break in pressure.
2. Believe it or not but Jen and Keegan got a bunch of their Christmas shopping done. I haven’t gotten but one thing. I am really behind the 8-Ball!
3. We got lucky and were able to make Plane and Hotel Reservations for Christmas. After the Clearwater trip I realized this was something I needed to do. Keegan is great but I’m not sure we all would have made it up North if we had driven! I also made hotel reservations while we are in PA. It will be nice because we can visit the lights at Hershey and Keegan will have a steady routine.

1. Jen and Keegan had several nights of bad sleep. Keegan’s schedule is still a little messed from Day Light Savings. He wants to get up at 7:00AM. Jen’s trying to train him otherwise.
2. I had to work on Saturday. It wasn’t too bad however I would have preferred having off. This was so that I would have Thanksgiving off.
3. Jen set up the Christmas tree and it is nice because it is starting to feel a little more like Christmas. I think we will decorate the tree this weekend. I know this isn’t a bad thing – I just couldn’t think of one and needed a third thing.