Week of September 3, 2007


1. The Best part of the week was Jen and Keegan's return. I really missed them and was really glad that they were home. I told them they aren't allowed to leave me home again.

2. We successfully shipped the switch on Friday. Hopefully we will know next week if it will work for the customer.

3. Jen and Keegan enjoyed their visit to Maryland and PA. They enjoyed visiting with Great-Grandmom Brown, Labor Day Party at 2nd Cousin Jenn and Wade's House, car show, and the Saturday afternoon picnic.


1. We did not make our delivery for the file server. I worked at least 76 hours last week and a bunch of hours this weekend and we still have one cold problem. We did resolve several other cold issues but we still are trying to figure out the latest one. I'm not sure I have an easy answer.

2. We had a couple hard rains the past couple of weeks and I noticed that the carpet got damp in a couple places. I think we need to repaint the house. I had heard that this is a common problem. The builders put too thin of a layer of exterier paint. Jen will be looking at swatches shortly.

3. Keegan and Jen's feet got bit when we took a walk earlier this week. I'm not sure what kind of insect made these bites.