1. We took the trip over to Florida Mall on Friday – it was my scheduled Friday off. Anyway we had a really nice time walking around. We grabbed lunch and Jen got a watch. It’s really fun and casual. We also got to check out an iphone – they had a store at the mall and it seemed pretty amazing.
2. Our late 80’s/early 90’s outfits for next week’s party are really coming together. I think we are about there. I can’t wait to take a picture and put it on the web site. It has been fun putting them together. Jen’s idea was really great and I’m a little embarrassed to admit that one of the items I will be wearing is from my closet. Jen has barred me from wearing this item but I hadn’t wanted to get rid of it unless it came back in style.
3. We went to the gym twice this past week as a family. Keegan did great at wee fit. The first day we went for only 30minutes because we were concerned about Keegan but he did fine. It was funny because Keegan goes #2 about once a day and sometimes that is assisted. Anyway Jen had fed him, changed him, . . . tried to make it so that they wouldn’t have to do much. Anyway when we went to pick him up they said he did great and that he had a big poop. Jen was a little embarrassed – I thought it was great since I didn’t have to change it. The kid has good timing.
1. Keegan was extremely fussy on Saturday. It rained here so I couldn’t just throw him in the stroller and take him for a walk. Finally we had to take him to the mall and walk around. This worked well and gave us a break. We even stopped at one point and sat on a couch there for about 30 minutes and he was fine. Although as soon as we got home though he was fired up.
2. We have had very violent weather Friday Evening and Saturday afternoon. They said that there were about 2000 lightening strikes in Brevard in one hour yesterday. I don’t think anyone was hurt however a house worth $500K got struck and burned down.
3. Keegan through up some yellow stuff the other day. It was pretty gross. He didn’t really do it again – so that was good.