Week of June 11, 2007

1. Jen and I spent Wednesday evening down at the Beach with Keegan and followed that up with a visit to the mall. I took off work early. Jen had a rough night and day with Keegan so it was nice to get out of the house and take a breather while Keegan slept in the back seat.
2. Keegan got to enjoy his first experience with a Pool. Jen bought him an inflatable pool. We were sitting outside on Saturday soaking in the sun and to our surprise Keegan asked if he could go swimming. We said sure and Jen blew up the pool - much fun followed.
3. Tim and Shannon stopped by last night to visit. Shannon watched and fed Keegan while they were here. It was nice to visit and it was nice to have a couple moment of fun.

1. Keegan continues to not sleep more that 4 hours at a time and can be a little fussy during the day. Again he'll have a good day followed by a bad day. It is the good days that keep us going.
2. I got the Campster back and it works now which is great - but the battery didn't drain for them. After taking the Campster back I realized that I had turned everything off on the ride over (radio/ac/ . . .) and I think the radio antenna might be the problem. I haven't been turning the radio on and the battery continues to hold up. It is a good thing I don't have a long ride to work.
3. Jen is a real champ and continues to pump despite the pain.