May 28, 2009 "A day at the zoo"

Mommom is visiting from PA, so today we took a trip to the zoo. We saw giraffes, rhinos, and turtles. The rest of the day was spent in the water park.
Keegan with his Lightening McQueen hat from Poppop

May 26, 2009 "Keira turns 11 months old"

The baby girl is one month away from her 1st birthday. She's getting so big and now you can see her top teeth.

Keegan at the Memorial day picnic at the Riddle's
Keira in the ball pit at the Riddle's

May 23, 2009 "I love my brother"

Keira loves her brother. She can't get enough of him. Keegan is often annoyed by this...see picture number 2 for details. But it's so cute to watch her climb all over him while laughing.

May 19, 2009 "Cake!"

Keegan devouring mommy's birthday cake. He practically licked the plate clean.

watching The Lttle Mermaid

May 18, 2009 "It's RAINING!!"

We finally got some rain today. It's been raining for most of the day, and it could keep raining all day if it were up to me. We need it so badly! Anyway, we've been inside for most of the day. We want to tell Debbie that we hope she feels better soon. We are thinking about her and praying for a quick recovery.

Keegan is giving "Sheriff" a kiss, he loves that car.

I guess this way is more fun.

May 17, 2009 "Happy 33rd Birthday, Mommy"

Mommy had a very happy day. Daddy, Keegan, and Keira got her a Ped-Egg, Aqua Globes, a gift certificate for a massage and a target card. We spent the morning at the zoo, splashing in the wading pools. Mommy got an afternoon nap (she was a little under the weather on her birthday). And the kids went to bed early. Daddy got a cake, but we'll have to eat it tomorrow. Mommy also got some new Vera, and Keira thought it was for her. She looked so cute holding the little purse. It was a good day.

Daddy and Keegan give mommy a ped egg-i-cure

May 14, 2009 "Puddle Party"

Today, the kids went to a "puddle party" at a friend's house. There were multiple kiddie pools, toys and a big pool. We didn't make it into the big pool, mommy couldn't manage both kids in a pool by herself. We got to see Yami and Chase and the kids had a great time. Keegan didn't want to leave, of course. They had a big swing set and he loved climbing on that. Yami and Chase came over to our house afterwards for lunch. It was a fun day!
Keegan loved going down this little slide.
Keira's butt
Keira playing in the dirt

May 12, 2009 "Teeth"

Keira has gotten her top front teeth, but they are still hard to see. One is through more than the other. The only way you can see them is if I hold her lip up or get her to smile really big.
Keegan's watching Little Einstein's and he's answering their questions.


May 10, 2009 "Happy Mother's Day"

Today was a wonderful day. I got to sleep in and then we all went to the zoo and splashed around at Paws On. The kids were so well behaved at the zoo, which is amazing because it was like 95 degrees today. They were all sweaty...well we all were sweaty. We had a great time.

The kids love splashing in the water table.

May 8, 2009 "Mommy goes to work"

I had to work at my paying job today. It was busy and I was tired after a long day on mt feet. Luckily daddy had bathed the kids, picked up the house and did the dishes all before I got home. We actually ate at a real restaurant with kids and they behaved so well. Keegan and Keira shared a mac and cheese kids meal and were both quiet and well-mannered. I'm hoping we've turned a least for now.
"Hi, look at me pushing this lion"
You can only imagine what each is thinking
He didn't actually climb out, but it was really close.
Hola, this is Keegan. You break it...I'll fix it!

May 7, 2009 "Happy Birthday, Mommom"

Yesterday was Grandpa's birthday and today is Mommom's birthday. As you can see the picture taking went about as well as it did yesterday. But, today I decided to let you see the process of getting one decent picture. Keegan got a haircut yesterday. For the last several months I've been buzzing Keegan's hair with the clippers. But it seemed the more I buzzed it, the crazier it got. So my hair dresser cut it and said to just let the top grow out and eventually it'll get heavy enough to lay down. So she trimmed the sides and back and let the top the way it was. It looks much better.

I fianlly decided that setting the sign out of reach was the best idea.
During...he was mad that he had to wear the cape. cute.
Sooo big, I'm the princess!

May 6, 2009 "Happy Birthday Grandpa"

Of the 30 different pictures I attempted to take of the kids, together, holding this sign...this was the best one. Keegan could not be in the photo as he was having a time-out in the pen (see below). But, anyway, happy 56th birthday grandpa! We wish we could be in PA to celebrate with you.

"I spend a lot of time in here" - Keegan

May 5, 2009 "He loves Manny...he loves him not"

Keegan started the day by carrying Manny around in his shopping cart.

By then end of the day, Manny was set to be cooked in the oven.