February 26, 2009 "Keira turns 8 months old"

Keira is just 4 months shy of her first birthday. Her mommy wishes she could keep her little forever. I wish everyone could see how cute she looks in this hot pink dress her Auntie Chel bought her.

February 25, 2009 "Superman and his mom's flip-flops"

Keegan's pretty good at walking in flip flops twice the size of his feet.

February 22, 2009 "Sunday"

Daddy's still got it!

Cutest girl

February 21, 2009 "A day at the creek"

On Saturday we took a walk at a local park. Keegan loves it. We saw a turtle, armadillo, and daddy saw a snake. Mommy had no desire to stick around and see what kind it was. we stopped half way and had a little snack.
"Boy, this orange is juicy"

Keira just enjoyed the ride.
Keegan thinks he sees another turtle.

February 20, 2009 "Keegan"

February 20, 2009 "Keira and Ava"

February 20, 2009 "Chocolate World, Hershey, PA"

"Keegan doesn't like being restrained in the stroller"

"Keria likes cookies as much as her daddy"
"Hershey's chocolate milk, yum"

February 20, 2009 "Visiting great-grandma"

February 20, 2009 "Grandpa and Debbie's"