Week of June 9, 2008
1. I have had a great fathers day. Keegan and I got up early to spend some time together. Shortly after that mom made us an excellent breakfast and I opened my presents. I got mighty putty and a great picture of Keegan from my parents and Keegan & B2 got me several cool things - including the hat I'm wearing in the picture.
2. Jen got a ton accomplished with my mom visiting. I was really impressed - we're ready to go. I think Jen really enjoyed her massage on Friday.
3. Keegan learned how to stand up by himself - with no help from other objects and also figured out how to break out of the ottoman barrier. It was funny because I thought putting two back to back would be too hard for him to push over - guess again. We had to fortify the ottoman with a dining room chair.
1. I had to go to AZ for work. It went pretty well, though I'd rather been home with Jen and Keegan.
2. Jen's doc's apt went well, though she still has been getting these more frequent contractions. They're not painful so we're hoping they are no big deal.
3. Gas just keeps going up. I'll be glad when it stabilizes and hopefully goes down.
Week of June 2, 2008
1. We broke down and got a new washing machine. It was delivered on Friday. It is a LG front loader. It is really nice - we were finally able to wash our comforter - which we haven't been able to use since Keegan was born. It is really quiet. Already it is making a positive impact.
2. My back feels much better and I was able to finish the accent. Jen worked on the garage door and front door. Both need one more coat. I also need to do a third coat of accent above the garage door. A second coat on the upper 2/3rds of the south side needs to be done. Maybe in a couple weeks I'll be up for finishing that out.
3. Jen's friend Yami had their ultra-sound and everything was good. They had the tech put the gender in an enevelope - so we should hear shortly.
1. I'm headed out to Mesa, AZ to support the customer this coming week. It is great that my mother is coming down to stay with Jen. It will be great for Jen to have a second pair of hands and now I don't have to worry - in case something happened while I was gone.
2. It is getting really hot here and it is tough to take Keegan out for a walk during the day. You can tell he doesn't like being couped up all day. As well it is tough to take him places becasue of the cost of gas - tough spot.
3. Jen's getting really uncomfortable. She is looking forward to being tired.
Weeks of May 19 and May 26 2008
1. Jen's doctors appt went really well. B2 measured perfect -so everything is on track. Jen is at 32 weeks nows. She had Keegan at 35 weeks - so you can tell how close we are. Jen left for BJ's today with a giant list as we get in the prepare mode.
2. I was hoping to finish painting the house memorial weekend. I was sort of close. I have a little bit of accent left, the second coat on upper 2/3's of the south side - which you can't really notice. Jen has volunteered to complete the garage door and the front door. I think the house looks really great. It sticks out a little bit in the neighborhood. It is tough because all of the surrounding houses are really faded and don't have much color to begin with. We have gotten many compliments and only one negative comment. I'll take that.
3. Keegan is just really doing great at walking and he seems to be trying to say words. I think he tries to say shoes and Juice. Again he is really cute - when we've been out the last couple of days several people have commented that he is really cute.
1. Keegan has really developed a voice. He hates to have his diaper changed so he screams and squirms - which makes it more difficult. Also he's not eating great which makes you concerned he's not getting enough. I'll be glad when I can ask him if he is hungry and he can respond.
2. It has been a little slow for Jen with me working and painting. I think she'll be glad when my parents come in July to have something to mix the day up - but then she'll just be about ready to pop.
3. I pulled a muscle in my back painting - so that is going to side line me from finishing up the tiny bit of accent and the south side latter work. Hopefully I'll feel better quickly so I can finish that last couple hours up.
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